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Be a Volunteer Ombudsman
Volunteer ombudsmen provide invaluable advocacy on behalf of residents in long term care facilities in their local communities. You would join the over 7,000 designated volunteer ombudsmen that greatly enhance long term care resident access to ombudsman program services across the country!
The Michigan Long Term Care Ombudsman Program supports and advocates on behalf of over 100,000 residents living in nursing homes, homes for the aged, and adult foster care homes licensed to operate in Michigan.
Volunteer ombudsmen are program representatives who receive training and support to visit residents at assigned homes, provide information about their rights, assist them (upon their request) with their concerns, and submit reports reflecting their activities and complaint investigations. Our volunteers are expected to visit residents in their assigned homes at a minimum of once per month. We understand some volunteers may winter out of state and can accommodate these situations.
Becoming a volunteer ombudsman is a process.
To be considered for designation by the State Ombudsman as an ombudsman, the following actions must be completed:
An application
Background check
A Conflict of Interest Form
An interview
Initial Designation Training
After receiving and reviewing your application, background check, and conflict of interest form, we will contact you for an interview. Following a successful interview, you will be invited to attend initial designation training. Initial training includes classroom (in person or virtual) training and field visits with an experienced ombudsman totaling 36 hours on topics such as the history and role of the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program, residents’ rights, effective communication skills, resident-directed advocacy, investigating and resolving complaints, and reporting requirements.
Upon completion of these activities, the State Ombudsman will make the final decision on designating you as a representative of the Office of State Long Term Care Ombudsman (i.e., ombudsman).
We look forward to having you as a valuable addition to our program! Please note that the process of becoming a volunteer may take some time, but being an advocate for residents will be worth the investment.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Phone: (517) 827-8040 or email:
Thank you for your interest in making a difference as an ombudsman volunteer!